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No R4R or Other Connection Posts or Comments Black Ring, Right Hand How to tell if someone is in The Lifestyle.

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Swingers Help - Website run by active Redditor u/swingershelp. OpenLove101 - Website of John and Jackie Melfi, Owners of the Colette Lifestyle Clubs r/SwingersR4R - Post your hookup requests here r/SwingersGW NSFW - Post your nudes here Krazy Truth - Website - No nonsense lifestyle conversations. Wanderlust - Website - Sexy Australians turned world travelers!īy the Bi - Website - Great for bisexuality in the lifestyle! That Couple Next Door - Website - Also on this subreddit! ITunes - Another great couple sharing their experiences. Life on the Swingset - Website - iTunes - Stitcher - They cover a lot of Poly issues as well. Moderators of this subreddit (Matt and Bianca) have two YouTube video podcasts.** *Do not post pics of your junk or your nude wife with the title 'What would you do to her?', instead post those in r/swingersgwĮverybody Swing - Website - Youtube 1. *Do not post r4r posts here (looking to meet), instead post them in r/swingersr4r Any questions regarding The Lifestyle, please post here and you will be answered by our many great members.

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